Today is World Communion Sunday. For more year than anyone can remember, the Fort Davis United Methodist Church and First Presbyterian Church have celebrated this day together each year. Although the pandemic knocked us a bit offf kilter for a few years, we are seeking to revive that tradition starting today. Matt will be preaching at the Methodist Church today and we are in hopes that the Methodist minister will be preaching for us in our pulpit this time next year. We do hope to be online on our normal channel this week. However, the bulletin and hymns will not be available as the Mehtodists will be in charge of that.
We would like to invite our online congregation to participate in the continued financial needs of your church. There are four OPPORTUNITIES FOR GIVING which can be found on the last page of the bulletin below. Our average monthly income for 2024 thus far has been $4365.16 with our income requirement being $8,000.00. Obviously, this is not sustainable. We invite you to prayerfully consider supporting your church financially. Thank you in advance for your generous contributions.