We are back! Our apologies for our absence online the last couple of weeks. General Assembly and Synod Youth Workshop got in the way of Matt's being here and John running our video equipment. With any luck, we will continue to broadcast our services online until August 4 on which day we move our service to the campgrounds for Bloys Campmeeting, a 135 year old tradition around here. For more information on that, please visit: https://www.bloyscampmeeting.org
We would like to invite our online congregation to participate in the continued financial needs of your church. There are four OPPORTUNITIES FOR GIVING which can be found on the last page of the bulletin below. Our average monthly income for 2024 wthus far has been $4365.16 with our income requirement being $8,000.00. Obviously, this is not sustainable. We invite you to prayerfully consider supporting your church financially. Thank you in advance for your generous contributions.
Today's Bulletin:
Today's Hymns: